Odyssey Class
History, Design Philosophy & Purpose
The Odyssey-class was a type of Federation
starship that was the pinnacle of Federation starship design and would
carry the Federation into a new generation of exploration in the late
24th century and well into 25th century. It was designed to be a
dreadnought and an explorer. It is one of the largest starships created
by Starfleet, surpassing even the Galaxy-class in size. (Star Trek
Adventures module: Utopia Planitia Sourcebook)
History and specifications
The Odyssey-class featured the ability for saucer separation much like
the Galaxy-class. The chevron-shaped saucer section could be separated
from the stardrive section, allowing greater maneuverability to the
stardrive section. The chevron section can be reattached to the
stardrive section at any time. In addition, an Aquarius-class escort
ship is docked to the rear of the ship's stardrive (roughly where the
secondary shuttle bay would be located on a Sovereign-class), which can
be deployed at will. It also carries six workbees in the main shuttlebay
for field repairs.
The pinnacle of the Odyssey-class's technological achievement was the
advanced quantum slipstream drive carried aboard all Odyssey-class
vessels. The advanced quantum slipstream drive propelled the
Odyssey-class to its fastest speed, transwarp 34.71+.
The bridge of the vessel is cavernous and features a viewscreen separate
from the forward viewport, with crew stations in an oval around the
chairs for the commanding and first officers. The captain's ready room
is on the starboard side of the bridge, with a turbolift on the port
wall and a dedicated transporter pad set into the aft wall. There is an
observation deck by the forward viewport and a second, partial crew deck
down a flight of stairs. (STO mission: "The Odyssey Class")
Service history
24th century
The keel for the prototype USS Odyssey was laid in the 2380s. (Star Trek
Adventures module: Utopia Planitia Sourcebook)
The USS Verity was active by the year 2381. Starfleet Command gave the
ship to four-star Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, after reassigning him away
from the USS Enterprise-E. Picard's first officer Worf was then
appointed captain of the Sovereign-class cruiser. Meanwhile, Admiral
Picard commanded the Verity on a mission to evacuate worlds of the
Romulan Star Empire from an impending supernova. (PIC novel: The Last
Best Hope)
The mission remained active until 2385. At the time, the Verity carried
the NCC registry number NCC-97000. (PIC - Countdown comic: "Issue 1")
25th century
The prototype USS Odyssey (NX-97000) was launched in 2409 and taken on a
trial cruise by one of Starfleet's leading captains. The first stage of
the test involved scanning a group of satellites. During the subsequent
weapons testing stage they attacked and destroyed a group of derelict
Borg ships set up as targets.
At that moment a Klingon dreadnought arrived in Mars orbit. The captain
took the ship after it and attacked the vessel, eventually inflicting
severe enough damage to force them into retreat. (STO mission: "The
Odyssey Class")
Starfleet began producing three additional variants of the class shortly
afterwards. The Odyssey switched from its initial NX registry to
NCC-97000. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")
As the newest, most advanced class in the fleet, it was fitting that the
seventh Federation flagship and the eighth iteration of the starship
Enterprise be one of them. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) was launched
later in 2409 under the command of Captain Va'Kel Shon. The
Enterprise-F's first mission was to lead Starfleet reinforcements to
Deep Space 9 to aid in the starbase's recapture from Dominion forces
under First Kar'ukan. (STO - Lost Dominion mission: "Boldly They Rode")
Odyssey-class vessels were also sighted under the command of the Terran
Empire during their inter-universal attack on Vauthil Station. This
included the ISS Enterprise-F. (STO mission: "Mirror Invasion")
The ISS Enterprise-F was the flagship of the Terran Empire in 2409, and
under the command of the recently promoted Admiral Leeta. When Imperial
Starfleet forces from the 29th century arrived in the 25th century to
turn the tide against the Iconians, Leeta insisted that the Imperial
flagship be the first vessel to be outfitted with the uptime technology.
(STO - New Dawn mission: "Message from Another Universe")
During the Second Battle of Earth between the Khitomer Alliance and
Dominion against the Iconian Empire in 2410, the Odyssey-class USS
Yorktown (NCC-97005) was destroyed, and the Enterprise suffered extreme
structural damage. Towed to Mars for service, the Starfleet Corps of
Engineers rebuilt the Yorktown hulk into an upgraded, "Block II" version
of the Odyssey class. The new Yorktown was recommissioned with the
registry number NCC-98300. Starfleet relaunched the Enterprise as a
Yorktown-class starship. (STO - Emergence short story: "Jayce's Navy
Interstellar: Through the Valley")
The Advanced Starship Design Bureau at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
developed two additional variants of the Odyssey, the Endeavour and
Sojourner-class star cruisers. While the former was a more angular,
military-oriented version, the Sojourner was geared towards exploration
and featured a wide, circular saucer section. (STO mission: "First
Contact Day")
In 2410, Admiral D'Vak, Worf's grandson, commanded the
Odyssey-class/"Block I" USS Houston. The Houston was destroyed during a
battle with the Borg Queen and her forces at Unimatrix 0047. (STO - Borg
Advance mission: "Hive Onslaught")
Following the Battle of Excalbia on stardate 84999.22[9] in early 2411,
which saw the prominent involvement of hero ships from the Federation's
past and present, the Verity was among the command dreadnought cruisers
that received a refit to legendary starship qualifications.
Re-categorised as a Verity-class starship, the Verity carried the
registry number NCC-97005. (STO website: Legacy : Legendary Command
Dreadnought Cruiser)
The Khitomer Alliance partners also operated the Lexington-class
dreadnought in 2411. This Terran dreadnought cruiser was based on the
Yorktown class, or "Block II". The ISS Enterprise-F was refitted to this
configuration. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "Red Shift")
The USS Enterprise-F and ISS Enterprise-F led a joint fleet to Pahvo in
the mirror universe to stop the machinations of Wesley Crusher, Emperor
of the Terran Empire. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "Eye of the Storm")
26th century
The class remained active into the 26th century. In 2554, at least one
Odyssey-class star cruiser was wrecked during the pivotal Battle of
Procyon V between the Federation, the Sphere Builders and their Temporal
Liberation Front allies. This ship was part of the Federation fleet led
by the USS Enterprise-J.
In one course of events, Admiral Leeta brought the ISS Enterprise-F from
the 25th century to Procyon V. The Enterprise-F fought the Enterprise-J.
The time travelling Odyssey-/Yorktown-class vessel was a match for the
Universe-class temporal dreadnought cruiser. A boarding action by
Admiral Leeta and Imperial Starfleet was repelled by Captains Pavel
Chekov and Montgomery Scott. (STO - Future Proof mission: "Ragnarok")